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  • Is there a difference between Physiotherapy and Physical Therapy?
    In all other countries in the world the term to descibe our services is Physiotherapy. In the United States, the terms Physical Therapy and Physiotherapy are interchangeable. Inertia Physiotherapy was named to reflect the unique integrative evaluation and treatment style and set it apart from the other tradtional orthopedic clinics in town. I also felt the name sounded more smooth and continous which reflects our primary goal to help you stay in motion.
  • What is Physical Therapy/Physiotherapy and can it help me?
    Physical Therapists review your history, discuss your goals, evaluate posture and movement to better understand what might be causing your pain or dysfunction. Physical Therapy can benefit most kinds of pain with nautral methods including exercise, movement and posture retraining and manual therapy techniques. Although the central goal of most Physical Therapy Care is the same, not all Physical Therapists approach their craft in the same way. If you have tried and failed to improve with another PT in the past, that doesn't mean you can't improve with the unique style at Inertia Physiotherapy. Through the Integrated Systems Model we find the root cause that's holding you back and thus can often find success where others have failed. If you're still not sure if Physical Therapy and Inertia Physiotherapy are right for you, give us a call or contact us for a more in depth discussion about what we can do for you.
  • What is Online Physiotherapy?
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Inertia Physiotherapy has launched our version of telemedicine we're calling Online Physiotherapy. This service is designed to get you the expert advice you need to help manage your injury without the need to physically enter the clinic. We will conduct a review of your case and symptoms much like we would do in the clinic, with a video conferencing platform that is integrated with our HIPAA compliant medical records software. During the objective evaluation, you may be asked to modestly reveal certain body parts such as your shoulder blade or collar bone and perform specific movements so it's best to dress in clothing that allows you to do so. Shorts and a tank top are ideal. With our best clinical judgement, we will prescribe you exercises, stretches or self care strategies to help manage your condition. Frequency of follow up Online Physiotherapy sessions will be dependent on your specific injury or complaint and would be determied after your evaluation.
  • What if I would rather see someone in the clinic rather than Online?
    We are open and able to see clients in the clinic when this is a preferred mode of treatment or it is necessary for the success of your treatment. We have a few advantates over larger Physical Therapy offices including the following: no waiting room, low traffic building, one on one care with no aides or assistants and direct communication with your Physical Therapist to relay any concerns or new developments. We have taken additional steps to maximize your safety including the following: Scheduled a minimum of 30 min buffer between clients to ensure proper disinfecting of all surfaces touched by the previous client and elimate any cross traffice between clients. We wear a mask and reqest that our clients do as well when we cannot maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet such as during manual therapy techniques. We screen clients for any COVID-19 related symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath, muscle pain, sore throat, chills or new loss of taste or smell. If you have any questions or concerns regarding in clinic physical therapy appoitnments, don't hesitate to call or shoot us an email.
  • What is the goal of an Online Discovery Session?
    The Online Discovery Session is a perfect way to meet your therapist and share your story face to face so that we can decide together if Inertia Physiotherapy is the right fit for your Physical Therapy care and whether the online or in clinic platform is right for you. In the age of COVID-19 this the preferred method of first contact if you are on the fence about initating care with Inertia Physiotherapy. It's risk free with no obligation to continue.
  • Do you take my insurance?
    The short anser is, no. Inertia Physiotherapy is a private pay physical therapy clinic. Being a private pay clinic means we can put YOU at the center of your care. Inertia isn't bound by the rules and regulations of insurance contracts. We can treat you as a whole person, not a diagnosis code. We design your treatment plan based only on what is best for you and your body. Other benefits of being a private pay clinic include: You do not need a referral from a physician to receive care at Inertia Physiotherapy. Physical Therapists in the state of Montana have DIRECT ACCESS. It is your insurance company that prevents this in some cases. Most of the time we don't need expensive tests or scans to effectively treat you. If we are ever concerned that you need to see a medical doctor we will refer you to your primary care physician or appropriate specialist. This means you get care faster and see results sooner and you save money by avoiding doctors visits that result in tests, medication prescriptions and then a PT referral. You get your therapists undivided attention because they aren't distratcted by needing to complete documenation during your session. You are granted the flexibilty to focus on what's most important to you on the day of your session If you have a high deductible plan, Inertia's private pay model is likely MORE economical than a standard insurance based clinic. If you aren't sure why this is true, contact us and we'd be happy to discuss it with you.
  • Can I submit my claim to my insurance company?
    Inertia can/may provide you with a "superbill" to submit to your insurance company upon request. This may result in full or parital reimbursement or application of your payment to your deductible. Some restrictions apply and we'd be happy to dicuss your special case. If you are confused about how to start this process we provide a worksheet that helps you ask the right questions and get the most accurate information about your individual plan. To receive this worksheet call or email and we're happy to send it to you.
  • What forms of payment do you accept?
    Inertia accepts most major credit cards, cash and check. You can also pay with an Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA)j.
  • What conditions do you treat?
    Inertia treats most orthopedic conditions including spinal pain/strain, pelvic girdle pain, joint pain/strain, chronic pain, post-concussion issues, headaches, whiplash, persistant or acute thoracic and rib pain and postural dysfunction. We also work with people who don't have a primary complaint of pain but might have complaints of joint stiffness leading to limited range of motion, people who are frustrated by a plateau in their fitness program or who are self limiting activity to avoid injury or pain.
  • How do I schedule an appointment?
    If you're ready to book and you feel comfortable scheduling online, you can access the online booking platform through this site. Simply choose the service you want and the user friendly interface will walk you through the rest. You can also book by calling or emailing and we'll be happy to assit you. If we don't answer it is because we are working with another client, please leave a message and we'll get back to you within one business day. Email : Call: (406) 880-7945
  • What should I expect at my Initial Evaluation?
    Inital evaluations are scheduled for 75 min. The extra time is to get to know you and your story and complete a thorough individualized assessment centered around your goals. Often times it's through the story that we uncover key points in your history that you may not have associated with your current complaint. These can and often are the missing links in prior episodes of care. During the objective evaluation we assess your whole body and work to find the source of your pain or problem in a task or combination of tasks relevant to you and your goals. This is what we call your "meaningful task." We work to identify your Primary Driver or the body region that is creating problems in other areas. Once we identify your primary driver, we isolate the system at fault and choose your treatment to specificaly address that impairment. During this session you receive a treatment and appropriate education which will likely include a home program to preserve and ehance the initial results
  • How often will my follow up sessions be?
    This is highly variable and dependent on a variety of individual factors. Our goal is to strike a balance between a frequency adequate to ensure you reach your goals, while respecting your budget. Inertia Physiotherapy will work with you to ensure you are comfortable with the finanical committment you are making. Your sessions often start out with more frequency, but rarely more than once a week. Session frequency tapers as you need less direct intervention. The timing of your next follow up is made after your evaluation and reflects our best clinical judgement. In contrast a typical insurance based practice will initially schedule you 2x/wk for 4-6 weeks. There is no magic in this number, it has just become standard practice and results in more visits, more of your time and in many cases more money as copays add up. Just like you need to change the oil in your car to keep it running smooth, many clients elect a wellness plan once they meet their goals. Consider it a tune up to help keep you feeling great. These sessions may be monthly or as needed based on what your body needs.
  • What should I wear?
    You should wear something comfortable and easy to move in. Some of the treatment techniques utilized at Inertia are best performed on the skin of the abdomen (as long as you are comfortable with this) so a garmet that allows this is preferable.
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