What is Visceral Manipulation?
There is an intrinsic motion within all of our body tissues and organs. Tissues lose their motion when they become inflamed. This can happen for multiple reasons including direct trauma, surgery, infection, illness, poor diet, environmental toxins and emotional stress. The healing process involves local disruption of normal tissue and replacement with relatively inflexible fibers. In essence the local tissue becomes dried out. This can result in loss of motion in the body, musculoskeletal pain, alterations in digestion and more.
Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy technique that involves, specifically placed manual pressures that encourage restoration of normal mobility, motility and tone of the organs and their connective tissues. It is effective as a primary or complimentary treatment for:

Musculoskeletal pain including: low back, pelvic, hip, knee, ankle, shoulder, neck or thoracic spine, headaches and whiplash post trauma or Motor Vehicle Accident.
Gastrointestinal Problems: Constipation and Bloating, Diarrhea, Reflux, IBS
Pelvic floor dysfunction and dysmenorrhea
Post-operative scar tissue including post Cesarian birth, appendectomy, gallbladder removal, intestinal surgery and more.
Post-infection scar tissue
Post-operative gastrointestinal difficulty due to decreased motility following anesthesia for any surgery.
Functional improvement with Visceral Manipulation:
Full disclosure, this video shows our therapist Dr. Ana Soulia but undeniable results are the driving force behind how and why our practice has evolved to where it is today. Outcomes like this are why we feel so passionate about sharing this potentially life changing therapy with our community.
Ana learned in PT school that she didn't have full hip extension. She never knew why and couldn't really remember a time when she had full hip range of motion. She wishes she had a before video, but what you would observe is total lack of hip extension. She would compensate for lack of movement with her lower back and pelvis and had chronically tight lower back muscles. The before video would have shown her thigh never leaving the ground. Since receiving Visceral Manipulation treatment she can feel hip moving independent of her low back and pelvis and she can feel my gluteal muscles working.
She was frustrated by repeated attempts at stretching her hip flexors that never produced results. What little gains she did make with yoga classes and Pilates would make would be lost if she got less diligent or even made her legs sore from a hard run.
After finding Visceral Manipulation, many of the restrictions she's fought in her body for decades are melting away without effort, this is one powerful example.
It isn't magic, it's just a deeper understanding of the whole body not just the shell and a targeted treatment for the tissues that needed the most help. If you're in the same situation, stretching just to maintain or worse, losing mobility despite efforts to the contrary and you're frustrated, there's a better way. Maybe it's Visceral Manipulation, maybe it isn't but there's only one way to find out.
Schedule a free consultation to review your complaint and discuss your goals with an expert Physical Therapist who's been in your shoes. Find out of Visceral Manipulation holds the key to the change you've been seeking.